Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mud Island, IA

August 18, 2009 Tuesday Brian called tonight from Mud Island outside of Keokuk, IA. Mud Island is a 119 acre floodplain (lets hope it doesn't rain!!!!) forest island located within the Keokuk Pool of the Mississippi river approximately 2 river miles south of the Lock and Damn 20 (ie. Keokuk Dam). The island serves as a night roost and feeding site for a large population of wintering Bald Eagles. Anyway he made through the Keokuk Dam located on the upper Mississippi River near of course its name sake Keokuk, IA, which is in Lee County.

(pics copied from web site)

IT uses a lock and dam mechanism.
How does a lock on the dam work you ask? Yea, I had to look it up. (I am a PT not an engineer!!!) Anyway, the river is an inclined plane whose water moves in and out of locks by gravity. Think of locks as a flight of "water stairs" going up and down a hill. Water is drained from the first lock (using gravity) until the water level is even with the second one. The downstream gate is opened to allow the vessel into the lower lock, and the process is repeated.

Well, Brian did this in his Kayak. He said he held on to a handle on the side while the water was drained. Cool huh?

Check out http://itouchmap.com/?r=b&e=y&p=40.3992109,-91.3626509:0:5:Keokuk%20Dam
to see his current location (kinda like a where's Waldo!).

So the plan is to trek on and make it to Canton, Missouri by tomorrow. There are lots of storms coming his way, so lets hope he stays dry and safe!!!

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