Friday, August 28, 2009

A powerboat hit my husband!!!!!!

August 28, 2009

Brian calls me yesterday and starts to explain a situation that happened. He finally gets to the important part and tells me that a powerboat hit him and then took off. (What??!! Time to come home!!! Leave the damn kayak!!!) The powerboat starting heading his way, so he started to paddle even closer to the shore. He goes on to tell me that boats often come close to him(maybe they think it is funny to see him have to paddle threw their big waves...jerks!) so he didn't think much about it. But they kept coming. He said he raised his paddle and yelled at them but they had their "crusing music" way too loud. So he tryed to get out of his kayak and the boat hit his kayak which in turn hit him and made him go even deeper into the water where the current grabbed ahold of him (what every wife wants to hear!) When he finally surfaced, the speed boat was way down the river and his kayak was floating away. Last night when I talked to him, he was not sure the extent of the damage. His prop (sp?) and the line that controls the direction were trashed. Not sure what all damage happened to the actually boat structure/body. Will keep you posted!!!

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