August 31, 2009
Sorry for the lag in posting!! Brian and I have been weighing options on the next step in the trip. He has come up with some great ideas, but I won't spill the beans yet!! Once everything is ironed out, I will post!! We should have everything lined up by Friday. Keep your fingers crossed!!!
Brian has sent me lots of pictures. I will try to post them soon!!
Have a good week!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
A powerboat hit my husband!!!!!!
August 28, 2009
Brian calls me yesterday and starts to explain a situation that happened. He finally gets to the important part and tells me that a powerboat hit him and then took off. (What??!! Time to come home!!! Leave the damn kayak!!!) The powerboat starting heading his way, so he started to paddle even closer to the shore. He goes on to tell me that boats often come close to him(maybe they think it is funny to see him have to paddle threw their big waves...jerks!) so he didn't think much about it. But they kept coming. He said he raised his paddle and yelled at them but they had their "crusing music" way too loud. So he tryed to get out of his kayak and the boat hit his kayak which in turn hit him and made him go even deeper into the water where the current grabbed ahold of him (what every wife wants to hear!) When he finally surfaced, the speed boat was way down the river and his kayak was floating away. Last night when I talked to him, he was not sure the extent of the damage. His prop (sp?) and the line that controls the direction were trashed. Not sure what all damage happened to the actually boat structure/body. Will keep you posted!!!
Brian calls me yesterday and starts to explain a situation that happened. He finally gets to the important part and tells me that a powerboat hit him and then took off. (What??!! Time to come home!!! Leave the damn kayak!!!) The powerboat starting heading his way, so he started to paddle even closer to the shore. He goes on to tell me that boats often come close to him(maybe they think it is funny to see him have to paddle threw their big waves...jerks!) so he didn't think much about it. But they kept coming. He said he raised his paddle and yelled at them but they had their "crusing music" way too loud. So he tryed to get out of his kayak and the boat hit his kayak which in turn hit him and made him go even deeper into the water where the current grabbed ahold of him (what every wife wants to hear!) When he finally surfaced, the speed boat was way down the river and his kayak was floating away. Last night when I talked to him, he was not sure the extent of the damage. His prop (sp?) and the line that controls the direction were trashed. Not sure what all damage happened to the actually boat structure/body. Will keep you posted!!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Did you know that Molly Brown was on her way to Hannibal when the Titanic sank?
August 24, 2009
Here are some more pictures of Hannibal MO. Enjoy!!!
Hannibal: Although the site of Hannibal was previously occupied by early settlers and Native American tribes, the city of Hannibal was founded by Moses Bates in 1819. Although the city initially grew slowly to a population of only 30 by 1830, access to Mississippi river and railroad transportation fueled growth to 2,020 by 1850. Hannibal had gained "city" status by 1845.
Hannibal Map
Some cool people from Hannibal:
Jake Beckley, major league baseball player
James Carroll Beckwith
Margaret Brown, passenger on the Titanic, the unsinkable Molly Brown.
Robert Coontz
Cliff Edwards, the voice of Disney's Jiminy Cricket
Harry Richard Landis, one of the last surviving World War I veterans was born near Hannibal.
George Poage
Benjamin Prentiss
Scott Sanders, Baseball player
Larry Thompson was born and raised in Hannibal, Deputy Attorney General of the United States under President George W Bush
Mark Twain (Samuel L. Clemens)
William P Lear inventor of car radio and Learjet
Yea, I didn't know who they all were either!!!!!
Pictures of the Big town of Hannibal, Population: Approx 17,000

Tom and Huck Statue placed at the foot of Cardiff Hill and the Mark Twain Statue located in Riverview Park overlooking the Mississippi River--both in Hannibal
The Mark Twain Memorial Lighthouse was constructed in 1933 and has been lit at three separate times by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, President John F. Kennedy, and President Bill Clinton
The "Mark Twain"
Brian got to interview the captain and the captain even let Brian drive!!! (The Captain is much more trusting than I!! Just kidding honey!!)
Lover's leap
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Quincy, IL
August 19, 2009
Talked to Brian briefly tonight. He was exhausted. Today he got to go through the lock and dam at Canton, Missouri. He said it was fun going through them. It rained on him a lot today. He decided he needed to get as far as possible so he continued in the rain (with his rain jacket on) until it was raining so hard he couldn't see. He said there is also still not a lot of current, so he is having to paddle extra hard to get anywhere.

Mississippi River Lock and Dam #20
ImpoundsUpper Mississippi River
LocaleCanton, Missouri
Length2,369 feet (722.1 m)
Construction began1932
Opening dateNovember 20, 1935
Construction costUS$4.45 million
Maintained byUnited States Army Corps of Engineers
He plans on staying a few days in Quincy. He has a interview planned with a tug boat captain, and some other sites, etc to visit. I think is is suppose to continue to rain, so it is probably a good place to stop for a while!!
Quincy IL
Stay tuned!!
Talked to Brian briefly tonight. He was exhausted. Today he got to go through the lock and dam at Canton, Missouri. He said it was fun going through them. It rained on him a lot today. He decided he needed to get as far as possible so he continued in the rain (with his rain jacket on) until it was raining so hard he couldn't see. He said there is also still not a lot of current, so he is having to paddle extra hard to get anywhere.

Mississippi River Lock and Dam #20
ImpoundsUpper Mississippi River
LocaleCanton, Missouri
Length2,369 feet (722.1 m)
Construction began1932
Opening dateNovember 20, 1935
Construction costUS$4.45 million
Maintained byUnited States Army Corps of Engineers
He plans on staying a few days in Quincy. He has a interview planned with a tug boat captain, and some other sites, etc to visit. I think is is suppose to continue to rain, so it is probably a good place to stop for a while!!

Stay tuned!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Mud Island, IA
August 18, 2009 Tuesday Brian called tonight from Mud Island outside of Keokuk, IA. Mud Island is a 119 acre floodplain (lets hope it doesn't rain!!!!) forest island located within the Keokuk Pool of the Mississippi river approximately 2 river miles south of the Lock and Damn 20 (ie. Keokuk Dam). The island serves as a night roost and feeding site for a large population of wintering Bald Eagles. Anyway he made through the Keokuk Dam located on the upper Mississippi River near of course its name sake Keokuk, IA, which is in Lee County.
(pics copied from web site)
IT uses a lock and dam mechanism. How does a lock on the dam work you ask? Yea, I had to look it up. (I am a PT not an engineer!!!) Anyway, the river is an inclined plane whose water moves in and out of locks by gravity. Think of locks as a flight of "water stairs" going up and down a hill. Water is drained from the first lock (using gravity) until the water level is even with the second one. The downstream gate is opened to allow the vessel into the lower lock, and the process is repeated.
Well, Brian did this in his Kayak. He said he held on to a handle on the side while the water was drained. Cool huh?
Check out,-91.3626509:0:5:Keokuk%20Dam to see his current location (kinda like a where's Waldo!).
So the plan is to trek on and make it to Canton, Missouri by tomorrow. There are lots of storms coming his way, so lets hope he stays dry and safe!!!

IT uses a lock and dam mechanism. How does a lock on the dam work you ask? Yea, I had to look it up. (I am a PT not an engineer!!!) Anyway, the river is an inclined plane whose water moves in and out of locks by gravity. Think of locks as a flight of "water stairs" going up and down a hill. Water is drained from the first lock (using gravity) until the water level is even with the second one. The downstream gate is opened to allow the vessel into the lower lock, and the process is repeated.
Well, Brian did this in his Kayak. He said he held on to a handle on the side while the water was drained. Cool huh?
Check out,-91.3626509:0:5:Keokuk%20Dam to see his current location (kinda like a where's Waldo!).
So the plan is to trek on and make it to Canton, Missouri by tomorrow. There are lots of storms coming his way, so lets hope he stays dry and safe!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009
Pictures from the River
Hey everyone,
Brian was able to send me some pictures via email of sites along the river. He will begin his day tomorrow at Ft. Madison, Iowa. They have been getting a lot of rain in that area, so lets pray he stays warm and dry (skin prune-free!!). I will post more as I get it!!!! Enjoy the pics!
Brian was able to send me some pictures via email of sites along the river. He will begin his day tomorrow at Ft. Madison, Iowa. They have been getting a lot of rain in that area, so lets pray he stays warm and dry (skin prune-free!!). I will post more as I get it!!!! Enjoy the pics!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
August 16, 2009
Hey everyone. Sorry I am so behind. Went to Austin this weekend and did not have computer access. Brian did send me some pictures over the weekend and I plan on posting them tomorrow with more kayak tales!!!!
Stay tuned!
Hey everyone. Sorry I am so behind. Went to Austin this weekend and did not have computer access. Brian did send me some pictures over the weekend and I plan on posting them tomorrow with more kayak tales!!!!
Stay tuned!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Taking a break
August 13, 2009 Thursday
Brian just got to his parents house. Confused. Don't worry, you have good reason to be. The conditions in Minnesota, where the river begins were not kayak friendly. There continued to be no current and water levels were low (Brian saw a fishing boat hit bottom and almost throw out its passengers!!). The weather was also not co-operating (Auntie Em...Auntie Em!!---the wind actually broke his tent!!!). After much consideration, it was decided to bypass this area and begin again further down the river. Otherwise it could be December before he made it down to New Orleans (and I only agreed to October!!!) SO the plan is to rest a day and then begin again where the river actually has some current and where I don't have to worry about tornadoes taking him away. I will keep everyone posted!!
P.S. Become a follower!!!! :)
Brian just got to his parents house. Confused. Don't worry, you have good reason to be. The conditions in Minnesota, where the river begins were not kayak friendly. There continued to be no current and water levels were low (Brian saw a fishing boat hit bottom and almost throw out its passengers!!). The weather was also not co-operating (Auntie Em...Auntie Em!!---the wind actually broke his tent!!!). After much consideration, it was decided to bypass this area and begin again further down the river. Otherwise it could be December before he made it down to New Orleans (and I only agreed to October!!!) SO the plan is to rest a day and then begin again where the river actually has some current and where I don't have to worry about tornadoes taking him away. I will keep everyone posted!!
P.S. Become a follower!!!! :)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Still this will be a short entry tonight. Side note: can someone blow their nose too much?
August 11, 2009
Darn water. The water is too low and there is not a current. Unfortunately he traveled only 18 miles today. Which I guess is pretty good keeping in mind there is absolutely no current, but it is not as far as he planned on making today. He sounded exhausted. Lets hope it gets better tomorrow.
August 11, 2009
Darn water. The water is too low and there is not a current. Unfortunately he traveled only 18 miles today. Which I guess is pretty good keeping in mind there is absolutely no current, but it is not as far as he planned on making today. He sounded exhausted. Lets hope it gets better tomorrow.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Open waters!!!!
Sorry, I am behind. I have been sick. I thought I had posted this,but I didn't!!
August 10, 2009
August 10, 2009
Open waters!! Finally! Now maybe he can put some miles behind him and come home!! Tonight he is camping out at Pokegama, Grand Rapids. (all of these towns sound like people were named while people were drunk!). The weather has been much nicer-sun has been out...NO RAIN!! Lets hope it stays that way! Brian says its beautiful there.
He's Famous
August 10, 2009
Hey everyone, Brian's famous!! He is in the Abilene Reporter News again. However, the reporter gots some facts wrong. I think he was confused about when Brian left Texas versus time actually on the river. Anyways, enjoy!!!
Check out
Hey everyone, Brian's famous!! He is in the Abilene Reporter News again. However, the reporter gots some facts wrong. I think he was confused about when Brian left Texas versus time actually on the river. Anyways, enjoy!!!
Check out
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Darn those Marshes!!!
August 9, 2009 Sunday
Heard from Brian today. The marshes are evil and must be destroyed....just kidding. But I think it might have crossed Brian's mind a time or two. The water levels are very low due to decreased rain over the last month or so thus making the marshes impossible to pass in some areas. In some areas there is hardly any water so he has to pull his kayak behind him or the marshes are so thick it is impossible to paddle through. Did I mention the water is freezing? Did I also mention it is cooler than normal up there this year? Due to this, he did not make as much headway as he planned. So he decided it would be much safer (and thus in my mind the wisest decision!! Don't want to add hypothermia to my list of worries!!!) to call a tow truck to come pick the kayak up and take him past this area of marsh lands. The tow truck is scheduled to pick him up tomorrow morning. Hopefully he will continue to be in cell service area to be able to tell me how it goes tomorrow!!
Heard from Brian today. The marshes are evil and must be destroyed....just kidding. But I think it might have crossed Brian's mind a time or two. The water levels are very low due to decreased rain over the last month or so thus making the marshes impossible to pass in some areas. In some areas there is hardly any water so he has to pull his kayak behind him or the marshes are so thick it is impossible to paddle through. Did I mention the water is freezing? Did I also mention it is cooler than normal up there this year? Due to this, he did not make as much headway as he planned. So he decided it would be much safer (and thus in my mind the wisest decision!! Don't want to add hypothermia to my list of worries!!!) to call a tow truck to come pick the kayak up and take him past this area of marsh lands. The tow truck is scheduled to pick him up tomorrow morning. Hopefully he will continue to be in cell service area to be able to tell me how it goes tomorrow!!
Hey everyone!!!
August 9, 2009
Hey everyone! I would love it if you are following along with the blog if you would please sign up as a follower. I think it would be really cool and would show support for Brian when he finds the opportunities to use the internet. Also feel free to post questions, comments, etc!!! Thanks!!
Hey everyone! I would love it if you are following along with the blog if you would please sign up as a follower. I think it would be really cool and would show support for Brian when he finds the opportunities to use the internet. Also feel free to post questions, comments, etc!!! Thanks!!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Finally cell coverage!!!
August 8, 2009
Brian finally got cell coverage and was able to call me...twice-once earlier today and then again tonight. Both were brief, but I don't care! I got to hear from him!!
He is doing good, just very tired. Yesterday was interesting for him. It started with him gathering fire wood. As he was being all lumbarjackish (for some reason I pictured him in a red plaid shirt as he told this part of the story) , a brown bear (which he didn't ever actually see) makes warning calls at him. Bear? What the hell!! Now I have to worry about Sip Rats and bears? Bears never came up in our conversations of what to expect while he is out there!!! Okay, I am not dumb. I know there are bears. But for some wierd reason, I did not think about that. Come on! I had alot on my mind. I was more worried about the rats and well, him drowning than to think about bears! Now I have bears to worry about too!!! My goodness!!
Then after the bear encounter it started raining and hard. Luckily he had his fancy camp site (picture below) for him to all curl up in. He should feel comfy in it cause its about the same size as our bedroom! Roughing it huh? Just kidding. He said he hardly slept. It was cold and weird noises of the forest kept him up all night. (Probably the Sip Rats along with the brown bears laying out their deviant plan-their in cahoots I say!!)
So he got up early to begin his hardest part of this journey-the head waters. The reason it is so difficult is because the river starts out as glorified marshes that is very narrow and at times very shallow. There were parts that Brian had to get out of his kayak and drag the thing behind him. Did I mention the water is freezing? And he found his first leech on him today. I'm so proud!! Well he made it about 13ish miles today. Doesn't sound like much, but this is very good considering it is the headwaters and that his boat got more of a ride than he did today!!!!! So tonight he is around Bemidji (yes, that is how you spell it...I know for sure because I used the spy satellite to double check his location!!! I love modern technology!!! And no, I am not exactly sure how to pronounce it!!!!). and he will hopefully reach Cass lake no later than Monday. Once he gets there, it should be easier with no more marshes, etc!!! And hopefully he will have better cell signal.
So he is camping out tonight. And in case you were wondering...its still raining!!!!!!
Brian finally got cell coverage and was able to call me...twice-once earlier today and then again tonight. Both were brief, but I don't care! I got to hear from him!!
He is doing good, just very tired. Yesterday was interesting for him. It started with him gathering fire wood. As he was being all lumbarjackish (for some reason I pictured him in a red plaid shirt as he told this part of the story) , a brown bear (which he didn't ever actually see) makes warning calls at him. Bear? What the hell!! Now I have to worry about Sip Rats and bears? Bears never came up in our conversations of what to expect while he is out there!!! Okay, I am not dumb. I know there are bears. But for some wierd reason, I did not think about that. Come on! I had alot on my mind. I was more worried about the rats and well, him drowning than to think about bears! Now I have bears to worry about too!!! My goodness!!
Then after the bear encounter it started raining and hard. Luckily he had his fancy camp site (picture below) for him to all curl up in. He should feel comfy in it cause its about the same size as our bedroom! Roughing it huh? Just kidding. He said he hardly slept. It was cold and weird noises of the forest kept him up all night. (Probably the Sip Rats along with the brown bears laying out their deviant plan-their in cahoots I say!!)
So he got up early to begin his hardest part of this journey-the head waters. The reason it is so difficult is because the river starts out as glorified marshes that is very narrow and at times very shallow. There were parts that Brian had to get out of his kayak and drag the thing behind him. Did I mention the water is freezing? And he found his first leech on him today. I'm so proud!! Well he made it about 13ish miles today. Doesn't sound like much, but this is very good considering it is the headwaters and that his boat got more of a ride than he did today!!!!! So tonight he is around Bemidji (yes, that is how you spell it...I know for sure because I used the spy satellite to double check his location!!! I love modern technology!!! And no, I am not exactly sure how to pronounce it!!!!). and he will hopefully reach Cass lake no later than Monday. Once he gets there, it should be easier with no more marshes, etc!!! And hopefully he will have better cell signal.
So he is camping out tonight. And in case you were wondering...its still raining!!!!!!
Friday, August 7, 2009
I Feel Like a Stalker
August 7, 2009 Friday
Too early to put down!!!
I feel like a stalker today. I looked up our account for AT&T to get Brian a texting package. While I was looking around other options I found FamilyMap. It allows you to use awesome spy satellites to home in on someone's location (and we're having problems locating crazies hiding out in the dessert??). I thought "um....might be good cause you know Brian could get attacked by wild Mississippi Rats who kidnap him and his only hope is FamilyMap!!" So for $9.99 (because saving one cent from making it $10.00 makes all the difference in my day to day decisions) I signed us up! There is only one problem that I didn't really put much thought in. His phone has to be on- which his will not be the majority of the time to save cell charge (don't worry-Brian's mom bought him a double A battery charger for his phone when it runs out of charge. And yes, we tried it before he left. And yes, it charges it fully!!). So like a nut, I brought up the FamilyMap site almost every 45min-1 hour like an obsessed teenager with her first real boyfriend, trying to "home" in on his location and the 'Sip man has his cell phone off!!! Did I mention I am a type A personality? :) Anyways, finally I was able to track him down. He is definitely Park Rapids (declaimer from AT&T: accuracy was within 2.5 miles-maybe that’s why we can't find anyone in the dessert!! They can't give me anything better than that? 2.5 miles is a lot of square footage!!! The Mississippi Rats could have him!) So, anyway, I still felt a sense of calm and ease knowing that I know where he is (within 2.5 miles anyways!!!). So my question is...when he is on the river, will it show a dot in the middle of it indicating him? OR will it say error? We will just have to see!!!!
Brian's mom called me today around 12:30 to let me know that Ray(Brian's dad) and Frank (Ray's friend) just left Park Rapids leaving Brian in the park. Come to find out you are suppose to have reservations one year in advance to be able to camp out in this "Gateway to the Mississippi". Well Frank told the manager just in passing about Brian's adventure and the manager thought that was wonderful. Not sure exactly how it all panned out, but Brian was interviewed by the local paper, pictures were taken and in the end, the manager let Brian camp out. His camping spot is enclosed with three walls and it has a fire place (not too shabby!!) Unfortunately (and I figured this would happen...darn cell phones!!!) Brian does not have any cell coverage once in the park. Too many tall trees. Brian told his dad to call his mom to call me (talk about down the line!!) and tell me not to worry that he was okay ('sip rats haven't gotten him yet). So I am not to worry if he does not call in a couple of days. Does he even know me? I am a strong type A personality. All I do is worry. But I will try!!
Brian's mom called me today around 12:30 to let me know that Ray(Brian's dad) and Frank (Ray's friend) just left Park Rapids leaving Brian in the park. Come to find out you are suppose to have reservations one year in advance to be able to camp out in this "Gateway to the Mississippi". Well Frank told the manager just in passing about Brian's adventure and the manager thought that was wonderful. Not sure exactly how it all panned out, but Brian was interviewed by the local paper, pictures were taken and in the end, the manager let Brian camp out. His camping spot is enclosed with three walls and it has a fire place (not too shabby!!) Unfortunately (and I figured this would happen...darn cell phones!!!) Brian does not have any cell coverage once in the park. Too many tall trees. Brian told his dad to call his mom to call me (talk about down the line!!) and tell me not to worry that he was okay ('sip rats haven't gotten him yet). So I am not to worry if he does not call in a couple of days. Does he even know me? I am a strong type A personality. All I do is worry. But I will try!!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Not quite on the river....but close!
August 6, 2009 (Also Brian's Birthday!)
Brian, his dad and his dad's friend finally made the 12 hour drive from Quincy, Illinois (where Brian's parents live) to Park Rapids MN which is known as the Gateway to the Mississippi River Head waters at Itasca State Park. They got a hotel for tonight. You will never guess what it is called! "Come on In" Promise, not making that up!!! The plan is to get up early and Brian's dad and his friend will drop Brian off at Lake Itasca State Park. Brian will hang out there for the day taking pictures, etc for his book and hopefully turn in early so he will be well rested for his first BIG day on the 'SIP. He will need the rest because it has been a long travel from big state of Texas way up to Minnesota. Of course not as big as the long "trek" ahead of him!!
Anyway I was so busy listening to all that had happen during the day (bad restaurant...twice!), that I completely forgot to tell him happy birthday!! I know-I am the worst wife ever! Of course as soon as I hung up I realized what I had did. So I called him back and told him. He said he had not thought about it since early this morning!!
Brian, his dad and his dad's friend finally made the 12 hour drive from Quincy, Illinois (where Brian's parents live) to Park Rapids MN which is known as the Gateway to the Mississippi River Head waters at Itasca State Park. They got a hotel for tonight. You will never guess what it is called! "Come on In" Promise, not making that up!!! The plan is to get up early and Brian's dad and his friend will drop Brian off at Lake Itasca State Park. Brian will hang out there for the day taking pictures, etc for his book and hopefully turn in early so he will be well rested for his first BIG day on the 'SIP. He will need the rest because it has been a long travel from big state of Texas way up to Minnesota. Of course not as big as the long "trek" ahead of him!!
Anyway I was so busy listening to all that had happen during the day (bad restaurant...twice!), that I completely forgot to tell him happy birthday!! I know-I am the worst wife ever! Of course as soon as I hung up I realized what I had did. So I called him back and told him. He said he had not thought about it since early this morning!!
Wife's blog about her crazy husbands trip!!!
August 6, 2009
Ok, I don't really think my husband is crazy. Well, not totally crazy anyways!!! I have been having several people asking me questions about Brian's trip. So I thought wouldn't it be great to create a day to day blog about his trip from information I recieve each day when he calls me? I would find it interesting to know how far he goes down each day (probably an estimation, but still cool to know), the weather he encountered, cool people he meets or crazy psycho ones-run away from the sound of banjos!!!!-inside joke :), etc. I know a friend of mine who is a school teacher is planning on having her class follow his progress, so this should really help them.
So I will do my best to blog every day. If there is a question or something you want to know-please let me know!!!
Ok, I don't really think my husband is crazy. Well, not totally crazy anyways!!! I have been having several people asking me questions about Brian's trip. So I thought wouldn't it be great to create a day to day blog about his trip from information I recieve each day when he calls me? I would find it interesting to know how far he goes down each day (probably an estimation, but still cool to know), the weather he encountered, cool people he meets or crazy psycho ones-run away from the sound of banjos!!!!-inside joke :), etc. I know a friend of mine who is a school teacher is planning on having her class follow his progress, so this should really help them.
So I will do my best to blog every day. If there is a question or something you want to know-please let me know!!!
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